Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Notes from 7/8/08 Patient Matching Call

1. James will complete code and to test patient demographic queries using HQL

2. Nyoman to begin work on ticket #897

3. OpenMRS linkage VM set-up for development and testing. Nyoman to provide a public key for SSH access.

4. Nyoman to revise OpenMRS Web Admin screens
  • Create 3-c0lumn view for new configuration; field name, "blocking" check box, "include" check box
  • "Create Report" screen will directly invoke the de-duplication report
  • Scheduled report generation will be added later
5. James will implement a FormPairs object that implements rules specific to de-duplication

6. We discussed the concept of 'derived traits'. Any additional data that is added to the raw data source is a 'derived trait'. Examples of potential derived traits include Soundex of name, NYSIIS of name, and unique record ID ("uid"). Although we'll assume for the time being that the UID is present, we'll soon need to be able to add UID's to data sources that don't contain them natively, but this requires substantial change to the RecMatch work flow. Shaun will draft an overview of the work required to implement the a derived trait framework.

7. Shaun will generate synthetic patient data using DBGen.

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